Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Week In Pictures

Looking back, I don't feel like I took nearly enough pictures! Some things we did that I didn't even get pictures of was when the Boys and Girls Club staff dressed up and came to read to us, a community member dressed up and read to us and service learning students from the high school came to read to us. We are truly blessed to have so many people willing to come and read to our kinders! We also made the Horton handprints, sorted and graphed color goldfish, wrote about the Lorax and made truffela trees {but sadly no pictures}. However here's what I did manage to get pictures of:

 During our Lorax writing, we wore our mustaches. These were a huge hit and most of them wanted to wear them all day!
These were colored and stapled onto a headband to wear as a hat.

 We are foodies in my classroom. We had Thing 1 and Thing 2 jello.
 And we had a "green egg".
All in all, it was a crazy week but so much fun!

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I {puffy heart} love reading your comments!